Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You're Not My Best Friend Anymore

Molly and Ben are best friends who have a falling out because they disagree on their birthday party plans. They both say hurtful things to each other and truly want their friendship back the way it was. They continued to have their birthday parties together, but they didn't acknowledge each other. They both got each other presents that the other one would only know they would want. Their friendship is rekindled and they learn to move on past their fight.

About the Author:Charlotte Pomerantz
Pomerantz is an author of several other children's books such as Piggy in the Puddle which was shown on the show Reading Rainbow.

Theme/Skill: Friendship, Problem Solving, Fiction
Grade Level: K-3

Pre-Reading Activity:
Ask students if they had ever had a conflict with a friend. How did it turn out? What would they have done differently?

Post-Reading Activity:
Assign students to reflect on Molly and Ben's fight in a journal entry. Was the fight a big deal? Should they have disagreed?

The title of this book is a classic line that many children say out of spite to make their friend mad. So many students have issues with something silly that a friend did and start a fight over nothing. Some students in my class now that are eleven and twelve years old should read this story and realize how stupid some of their fights are. 

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